Finding work experience for Year 10 students.

Following assemblies last term and workshops through the year, we’re asking Year 10 to start to source their work experience placements before 5th June 2023 ahead of going out on work experience in July.
By self-placing students will gain experience of finding and securing a job in the future, it will also allow students to choose a sector of interest and get the most of out their experiences.
We’ve launched the ConnectEd app to assist with students work experience and career journey, including managing placements, careers advice, building a CV, helping resources and starting the journey.
To download and start using the ConnectEd app, please follow the instructions in the attached Powerpoint.
Once students are set up, it’s time to start finding a placement! Students can find their own placement using all networks available including:
- Hit the streets and knock on doors
- Parents, relatives and friends of the family
- Social media – connect with organisations online (Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
- Cold Calling and emailing your CV to employers
- Teachers, careers advisers and other professionals
Once you gain a commitment from an employer students will need to input this into the App or Website Portal. Following a risk assessment, the placement will be approved 2 weeks before the start date.
Miss Heap will be running drop in sessions after school on a Wednesday to support students with the app and also with finding and securing placements, so please feel free to pop in for advice and support you may need.
Good luck!