Frequently Asked Questions

It would be useful for you to do a trial run with your family and make sure you're comfortable with the route before the start of term. If you will be travelling to school by bus you can apply for an igo card here. 

Making new friends is one of the most exciting parts of joining a new school. You will have lots of opportunities to interact with new people in your form group, at break, lunch and in extra curricular activities. The older learners are very friendly too!

When you attend our transition days in July, we will give you a tour of the school.

On your first day in September you will be given a reminder too!

You can ask any of the older students who will be happy to help you. You can ask a member of staff to help you too.

Don’t worry – you’ll feel much more comfortable with finding your way around after a couple of weeks.

You will get homework from all different subjects.

This will be shown on ClassCharts which you can access on your phone.

If you struggle with any of your homework, make sure you speak to your teacher or your form tutor and they will help you.

You will be able to download an app on your phone called ClassCharts. This will show you all the rewards you have been given by your different teachers. We will show you how to use this in your first week with us here. Your parents will also have access to this so they can see all your rewards too!

If you get an EX3 in lesson you will also receive a token. The house with the most tokens in the collector boxes at the end of the term will win a reward!

We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying.

If you do experience or witness any bullying, please report it to a member of staff straight away and it will be dealt with.

Any incidents of bullying will receive appropriate consequences.

We have a designated school PE kit.

You can find all the details of our uniform and PE kit here.

Yes, you can bring your phone to school, but you must follow our rules!

You cannot take your phone out or use it at any time during the school day, it must be switched off and stored safely in your bag at all times.

If you need to contact anybody in your family outside of this time, you will need to use a school phone in an office.

Period 1 starts at 8:30 and finish at either 3:45 or 1:45 depending on the day.

You will have 6 or 4 lessons each day, depending on the day and each lesson is 1 hour long. You will have morning breaktime for 15 minutes each day and lunchtime for 30 minutes.

Take a look at the example timetable in this pack for more info.

Each afternoon you will have either assembly or form time.

You will do a range of different activities in form time.

You will have lots of opportunities to celebrate your successes in form time too.