Art, Design and Technology Department
Head of Department = Mr Munro
The core purpose of the department is to expose pupils to quality learning in a technical and creative environment. In an environment where ideas are both formed and realised with confidence. Staff deliver a range of subjects using a mix of traditional teaching and independent project work. Students feel confident to learn in lessons and are given the time to develop their skills. Practical learning features heavily in projects, complemented by appropriate knowledge-based lessons.
In the west of the school there is a large main workshop in which Design and Technology is taught. There is an adjoining Art room, and ICT suite where CAD skills are developed. Digital technology features in our teaching with laser cutting and 3D printing being incorporated into projects. Media and materials are investigated and explored using printing, photography and textile processes. Food Technology has a newly developed room with brand new equipment and a food preparation area. Students explore how foods are prepared, cooked and presented in professional establishments.
In Key Stage 4 the department offers GCSE Fine Art, GCSE Design and Technology and WJEC Level 1/2 award in Hospitality and Catering. In Key Stage 3 students are given the opportunity to learn and develop a range of skills and techniques with multimedia. Students can opt to follow one of our KS4 routes to start in Year 10 and then remain with the subject until final examination in Y11.
For curriculum guides, please visit our Curriculum by Year Group pages.
Enrichment Opportunities
Throughout the year a variety of enrichment opportunities take place in all subject areas linked to both key events and key areas of the curriculum.
In Key Stage 3 students will have a termly practical and key knowledge assessment. In Key Stage 4 each course is assessed against the criteria produced by each exam board. This can take the format of formal examinations or project grading. Specialist teachers will make learners aware of their specific assessment schedule during the start of the course. GCSE courses are marked using grades 1 to 9. The WJEC course is marked using Pass, Merit and Distinction.