Child Development
Child Development
Subject Lead = Miss L Whyte
Knowledge of child development is important in a variety of occupations outside of childcare and teaching, for example, in healthcare roles such as paediatricians, psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech and language therapists.
This course will give you the opportunity to develop knowledge and technical skills in a practical learning environment. You will also develop key skills such as research and written communication skills as you plan different types of play activities to encourage children’s learning and development and investigate how to adapt them to meet children’s individual circumstances.
Everyone taking this qualification will study three components, covering the following content areas:
In Component 1, students gain knowledge of the principles of growth and development, including expected development milestones, for different age ranges across all five areas of development: physical, intellectual and cognitive, communication and language, social and emotional. They explore how different factors can positively or negatively impact different areas of a child’s expected development.
In Component 2, students explore different stages and types of play and how play activities can support and promote children’s development and learning across the five areas of development between the ages of birth and five years old. They investigate the different learning needs of children at different ages and stages and learn how to plan and structure play activities to meet those learning needs and encourage and influence learning, while considering the role of adults in promoting children’s learning and development through play both at home and in the community.
In Component 3, Students will develop an understanding of how children’s learning and development can be affected by their individual circumstances. You will investigate the importance of inclusion and the role of an adult in keeping children safe when engaging in play activities and how the environment and play activities can be adapted to support the learning and development of all children.
Components 1 and 2 are assessed through non-exam internal assessment, in the form of assignments. The non-exam internal assessment for these components has been designed to demonstrate application of the conceptual knowledge underpinning the sector through realistic tasks and activities.
Component 3 is an external assessment, in the form of an exam. Component 3 builds directly on Components 1 and 2 and enables learning to be brought together and applied to realistic contexts.
Enrichment Opportunities
Throughout the course opportunities will be available for students to plan and deliver different types of play activities.
Learning Journey