Computer Science and Business Department

Head of Department = Mrs J Shaw


The department consists of 2 specialist teachers. There are 3 computer suites adequately resourced to allow each learner to have their own computer. The department has a shared focus for all students to be the best that they can be and supports this by ensuring all students are provided with a curriculum that is inclusive, engaging and nurtures and cultivates a love for learning.


All KS3 students are provided with the opportunity to develop key knowledge, skills and competencies through studying a wide variety of computing related topics.

In year 10 students may choose a pathway to begin their KS4 courses. Students can choose to opt for the following courses; AQA GCSE Computer Science or OCR Level1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise & Marketing.

For curriculum guides, please visit our Curriculum by Year Group pages.

Enrichment Opportunities

Throughout the year a variety of enrichment opportunities take place in all subject areas linked to both key events and key areas of the curriculum.


Students complete a range of assessment activities within lessons that allow for regular retrieval of key content and complete an assessment paper at the end of each topic to assess progress made against all success criteria. At KS4 assessment papers are cumulative and cover all units of work studied.#

Learning Journey