Mathematics Department
Head of Department = Mrs S O'Neill
The mathematics department consists of five committed and enthusiastic teachers. We are a well-resourced department with access to physical and online stimulus to promote mathematical thinking in each of our learners. All teachers in the department have a shared vision which will allow all learners to achieve their mathematical potential and engage in the study of mathematics.
When learners arrive in Year 7 they begin their mathematical journey. Studying the different disciplines within maths, using different approaches including a concrete, pictorial, abstract style of teaching, the curriculum is delivered to the students. Topics are interleaved which allows learners the opportunity to explore, retrieve, reaffirm and extend their mathematical understanding. All students are given the opportunity to reach their full mathematical potential. Learners in Year 7-11 are working towards the GCSE examinations with the Edexcel exam board.
Our aim is for all learners to enjoy mathematics and to achieve their potential. By using a variety of teaching skills to cater for their learning needs, learners study the building blocks required for mathematics in the key areas of number, algebra, geometry and data handling. At KS3 our curriculum intent is to build mathematical skills, to foster mathematical thinking and to develop problem solving skills that will be needed throughout their mathematical learning journey.
In Year 10, learners commence their GCSE studies. Working towards the linear examinations with Edexcel exam board, these learners will be assessed on the grade 1 - 9 system. Building on the skills from KS3, they further develop their understanding and depth of knowledge of the subject to enable them to succeed in their final examinations at the end of the course.
For curriculum guides, please visit our Curriculum by Year Group pages.
Learners in KS3 will complete a unit assessment at the end of each topic that they have been studying. These will inform teachers and learners of the progress they have made within that unit of study. Learners in Year 10 and 11 will be assessed on the number grade 1 - 9 system, against their individual targets using topic examination questions, topic tests and GCSE exam papers.
Home Learning
All learners are expected to complete independent practice to further improve and consolidate the topics they have been studying in class. Home learning will also aid the retrieval of key skills and allow them to practice their understanding and problem-solving skills. For KS3 learners, a weekly independent practice task is to be completed. At KS4, learners will be set independent practice tasks on a regular basis. These tasks will be a combination of online activities, for example a task on HegartyMaths via their individual login details, and written tasks to be completed.
Alongside independent practice, HegartyMaths provides learners with further opportunities for consolidation at home. HegartyMaths is an online platform where learners can view video tutorials and complete interactive questions, Each learner has an individual login to help track usage and progress.
We will be looking to utilise additional digital technology to expand our curriculum offering and more information will be provided to learners as these opportunities become available.
Enrichment Opportunities
Throughout the year a variety of enrichment activities take place. These can take the form of competitions or themed activities throughout the year to celebrate important mathematical events days such as Pi Day. In addition, our strongest learners take part in the National Mathematics Challenge which is run by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust. Our most able mathematicians are entered for the Challenge at the Junior (Years 7-8) and Intermediate (Years 9-11) levels. We have been able to celebrate that numerous learners have received awards in these challenges and learners have made it through to the next stage in both the Intermediate and Junior challenges. We actively seek opportunities for learners to develop their mathematical understanding outside of the classroom and run a variety of enrichment activities throughout the year.