Physical Education Department
The department consists of 3 specialist teachers with a wide and diverse range of skills and expertise, Miss L Whyte, Mr G Gardner and Mr K O’Leary. Our Physical Education department comprises core PE from year 7 through to 11 and 2 option choices – BTEC Sport and BTEC Health and Social Care.
The department has a range of fantastic resources to use within our curriculum area including an all-weather full-size AstroTurf pitch, a 3G football pitch, a full-sized sports hall, a dance studio and access to a state-of-the-art fitness suite.
Key Stage 3
Our curriculum is mapped out so students experience a range of sports and activities throughout year 7-9. Students will develop, embed and master skills and techniques, develop an understanding of rules and regulations and how to apply them in the activity areas and will also be given the opportunity to reflect on their strengths and improvements. The range of activities will help students build resilience, respect and fair play through intra form competitions and the chance to try new sporting activities. They will be given the opportunity to develop leadership skills, work towards the young leaders award and progress onto a DofE pathways. Throughout KS3 students will develop an understanding that exercise is key to promote good health.
Key Stage 4
Students can opt for further study through two vocational options within the Physical Education department, these are BTEC TECH Sport and BTEC TECH Health & Social Care. Both courses are of vocational context therefore students can expect to sit one formal exam totalling around 30% of their final grade, with the remaining 70% being a mixture of assignment and project-based work alongside presentations and role play.
Students who do not opt for further study at key stage 4 will experience up to 2 hours of core PE every week where the can make activity choices to promote healthy active lifestyles. The choices throughout the year will give students the opportunity to promote their own personal sense of physical, mental and emotional wellness through sport and physical activity.
For curriculum guides, please visit our Curriculum by Year Group pages.
A variety of clubs in different sports and activities are on offer to promote healthy lifestyles in our students, some clubs are recreational and some training for school teams. The clubs change on a half termly basis and are open to all students. Students in KS4 can exercise in the gym each night developing their own personal fitness goals.
Learners will have the opportunity to trial for various teams to represent our school in the local school leagues and beyond in a range of sports throughout the year.
Students who attend extra-Curricular clubs and play for school teams are rewarded with Excellence points every time they attend or represent school.
Throughout the year extra-curricular messages and achievements will be posted on our school web page and on our social media pages.