Religious Studies Department

Head of Department = Miss Rebecca Cliffe


The Rayner Stephens High School Humanities department is committed to ensuring that all pupils make excellent progress in Religious Studies, through experiencing excellent teaching which engages and motivates them to work hard and succeed. All pupils will have the opportunity to continue their education of Religious Studies to KS4 and will have been prepared well so that they are ready and able to succeed following their strong foundation from their KS3 study. 


The main objective of Religious Studies at Rayner Stephens High School is to provide varied and enriching lessons that effectively prepare our students for life in a culturally diverse modern world. We aim to promote an awareness of the usefulness of Religious Studies to everyday living, to encourage enthusiasm and interest in the study of other people’s beliefs and to promote mutual respect, tolerance and understanding across different cultures and communities. Britain is now a very diverse society; finding out about the beliefs and lifestyles of all people makes us think about what we believe and reflect on our own choices. This helps us to develop our own ideas and opinions, and ultimately shapes who we are. Learning to express our own beliefs and to listen to the views of others is an important life skill and this is something that Religious Studies staff have a passion for.

  • Knowledge of the main beliefs and practises of the main religions in the world today. 
  • An understanding of the importance and influence of religion in society 
  • Tolerance and respect for people who do not share the same beliefs or outlook on life 
  • An understanding of the values and traditions of other cultures 
  • An enquiring mind able to make reasoned decisions and informed judgements about religious and moral issues. 
  • Consideration of our local context, and furthering our links in the community links e.g. visiting local sites of Religious significance.

For curriculum guides, please visit our Curriculum by Year Group pages.


At KS3 students complete a range of KS3 assessments for all subjects in Religious Studies that test and develop a range of GCSE skills and their depth of knowledge about different beliefs and practices. 

At KS4 Students will complete an end of unit exam paper at the end of each half term to assess their progress against all assessment objectives (demonstrate knowledge and understanding, apply knowledge and understanding, analyse information and ideas).

Enrichment Opportunities

Wherever possible, opportunities for visits to sites of religious significance are exploited. 

Learning Journey