RespectMe deliver interactive RSE sessions!

29 Jan 24
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We are thrilled to be partnering with Respect Me and together taking steps to inform, equip and empower students to make healthy choices around Self Esteem and Relationships.

RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) is now a compulsory part of secondary education and through engaging and inspirational multimedia presentations which include games, activities, media, and personal stories of hope, we can convey this serious and important message.

Year 7 learned about self esteem and self worth in their session and created a self esteem shield to help them navigate any struggles they may have. Year 8 were learning about preventing Bullying and what to do if you see this in school. Meanwhile, Year 9 and 10 were learning about relationships and positive relationships.

Martin Davies head of school at Rayner Stephens said “It’s so important for us to highlight this very important part of the curriculum and it’s a pleasure to partner with Respect Me to do so. We want students to have all they need to make informed choices about their surroundings and future.

The sessions delivered by Respect Me were thoroughly engaging and interactive which allowed students to put themselves in the centre of each situation and take advice where they need to.”

A huge thank you to Respect Me for delivering such fantastic sessions that allowed students to immerse themselves in this part of their learning and further life and allowing us to deliver our vision of excellence and ambition for all.