School Meals / Parent Pay
The catering team here at Rayner Stephens High School take great pride in the food they produce, with their food being cooked on the premises and ingredients sourced from local suppliers.
Doors open at 8am in the canteen and provide bagels and a cereal station free to all students. In addition to this, free bagels are also available to all students at the student entrance on arrival.
Breaktime is at 10:45am in the canteen and hall, again, all students will have access to bagels and the cereal station for free. There will also be a selection of extra items available to purchase. (please note: additional funds on top of their family dining or free school meal would need to be on the students account to be able to purchase)
The school operates on a split lunch system with Years 7,8 & 9 on lunch one and Years 10 & 11 on lunch two.
Family Dining – Years 7,8 and 9
Years 7,8 and 9 all sit down with their own year group to have Family Dining together. Whether they are on the paid school meal option or bring their own dinner, all students sit down and eat together in a Family Dining style with students undertaking different responsibilities to ensure that the lunchtime is a calm and sociable experience for students similar to that of a family dining experience at home.
Family Dining Paid Meal Option
The Family Dining paid meal option has been designed to provide a range of choices for students to choose from each day. Students will make their choices for each day of the Red and Blue week and those choices will then be set for the term. The menus are changed and refreshed at the end of each term and students get the opportunity to make new selections for the next term.
As we have the flexibility of doing all of our catering in house, the menus have real variety and a different Red Week and Blue Week menu is available to choose options from. Each day has a hot meal option, vegetarian hot meal option, pasta/rice pot with topping option and sandwich options. This provides the opportunity for students to make different choices for each day in the week. In addition to their main meal choice, students get a dessert and free drinks on their table.
The Family Dining Paid Meal option is available for the extremely low cost of £11 per week. This means that for that amount per week a student can have cereal and/or a bagel before school, cereal and/or a bagel at break time and a hot meal, dessert and drink at lunchtime. We feel this is a really unique offer that we can provide to our families and is part of our commitment to ensure that all students are in the best position every day to maximise their learning in lessons.
The menus for this term are available on the link below and any student can join or leave the Family Dining Paid Meal option at any point with only one weeks' notice being given to the school.
If you would like your child to join or leave the Family Dining Paid Meal option please email and your request will be actioned at the start of the following week.
Students in years 7,8 and 9 can bring a packed lunch but they will still be part of family dining and sit with the rest of their year group to have lunch.
Free School Meals in Years 7,8 and 9
Any student who qualifies for free school dinners in years 7,8 and 9 will automatically go onto the Family Dining Paid Meal option and they will be able to make their choices for the term before the term starts. All students can buy additional items at break time but additional money will need to be placed onto their account via ParentPay.
Lunchtime for Years 10 and 11
They are able to come to the serving area and choose what they want to purchase provided they have funds available on their ParentPay account.
There is a selection of hot foods, snacks, desserts and drinks available with an addition of pasta station for pasta pots, drinks and snacks.
Food Allergies
We ensure that every child can eat at school, safe in the knowledge that any allergies are taken into consideration and appropriate mitigations are in place to enable you and your child to have the confidence and peace of mind in the catering provision available at Rayner Stephens.
Our catering team strictly follow the guidance available from the Department for Education on Allergy Guidance for Schools, available on the following link:
In addition to this, further guidance and support can be found for parents, students and for schools on the Allergy UK website:
If your child has any allergies please contact the school directly so we can assist with your child's dietary needs.