
  • Burgundy Blazer

  • School Skirt must be mid grey, knee length with school logo. Black tights (Minimum 60 denier) must be worn with a skirt. Plain black ankle socks are allowed to be worn with tights. Frilly socks are not permitted.

  • School Trousers must be mid grey straight legged trousers

  • Leggings, skinny fit and stretch trousers or jeans are not permitted

  • Plain white button-up shirt, short or long sleeves

  • School tie, worn over a white, buttoned, collared shirt, with top button done up

  • Grey V-neck jumper or tank top (optional)

  • Shoes – see the shoe guidance and examples section


  • Burgundy Blazer

  • School Trousers must be mid grey straight legged trousers

  • Leggings, skinny fit and stretch trousers or jeans are not permitted

  • Plain white button-up shirt, short or long sleeves

  • School tie, worn over a white, buttoned, collared shirt, with top button done up

  • Grey V-neck jumper or tank top (optional)

  • Shoes – see the shoe guidance and examples section

  • Socks, plain black ankle with no patterns Shoes



School shoes must be plain black school shoes made of a polishable material. We do not permit high boots, ankle boots or high visibility buckles/bows/coloured laces/logos etc. Please note that trainers or canvas shoes are not acceptable 

For examples of the types of footwear that are and are not permissible please see the example pages below. 


School Sports Kit 
  • Burgundy Rayner Stephens logo T-Shirt – only available from uniform shops

  • Plain black, loose fitting, sports shorts only (no large visible logos, no tight fitting gym/cycling shorts)

  • Trainers to change into for PE lessons


Optional Extras 
  • Burgundy Rayner Stephens Hoodie – only available from uniform shops

  • Plain black sports leggings (no large visible logos)

  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms (no large visible logos)


  • One pair of studs or small sleepers can be worn.

  • No eyebrow, nose, lip or other body piercing are allowed.

  • No smart watches. - No watches of any kind are allowed in formal examinations

  • Plasters or clear placeholders are not permitted to cover piercings.


  • Make-up and/or fake tanning products must be discreet and natural with no false eyelashes or extreme eyebrows

  • Acyclic, false nails or colourednail varnish must not be worn. 


  • Haircuts should not be extreme.

  • ‘Steps’, ‘lines’, shaving the sides or all of the head or other variations of these styles are unacceptable in school.

  • Nothing below a ‘Number 2’ is acceptable for learners who prefer this type of short style.

  • We expect all learners to have neat and tidy hair styles and ensure that long hair is tied back for specific lessons, both boys and girls, due to health and safety.

  • Hair should be of a natural colour.