

At Rayner Stephens High School we use the ‘Excellence for Learning’ system which is designed to promote respect for all members of the school community and achievement in all aspects of school life.  As a school we aim to promote a positive learning culture that inspires all young people by recognizing and praising all that goes well, from the everyday to the extraordinary successes of our learners. 

As a school we want to ensure our students feel positive about their achievements and celebrate their successes.

There is a progressive system of praise and recognition, which all staff use in the classroom and throughout the school. This system ranges from praise text messages and letters being sent home, up to celebration assemblies and the prestigious end of year ‘Excellence Awards Evenings’.


Learners will receive excellence points for positive choices made within the school community during lessons, social times and enrichment. The school’s expectations for excellence are a key element in securing success at both school and in future life. 

Learners’ achievement, effort and behaviour will be recognised and celebrated in the following ways: 

  • praise and encouragement 

  • excellence points

  • praise text messages

  • postcards sent home

  • certificates & badges

  • attendance awards

  • celebration assemblies

  • award ceremonies

  • reward trips

Learners’ individual excellence point balances are celebrated with both school badges and the opportunities to spend their excellence points via Class Charts