
Rayner Stephens High School has shown significant improvement in its recent Ofsted inspection, particularly in student behavior, relationships between staff and students, and safeguarding practices. The school's involvement with the Stamford Park Trust since 2021 has contributed to these positive changes. Inspectors highlighted the effective behavior management system and praised the students' enthusiasm for personal development opportunities.

Click here to view the latest report on the Ofsted website

Pupils, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are proud and happy to attend Rayner Stephens High School. They value the positive relationships that they have with their teachers”
Ofsted 2023
The school is warm and welcoming
Ofsted 2023
Pupils relish the opportunities that promote their wider development.
Ofsted 2023
he school ensures that pupils learn about equal opportunities and healthy relationships. As such, pupils understand and appreciate the views of others. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe and how to mitigate risks online and offline.
Ofsted 2023