Report bullying now
- Email: this can be sent directly to a member of staff or to
- Tootoot: Students can use the online portal to confidentially report any issues or concerns they may have. If your child has lost their log in details, please contact Mrs Knowles.
- Alternatively students and parents can report worries or concerns to any member of staff who can then refer the matter to the relevant members of the Inclusion Team.
All reports will be treated confidentially and where necessary referred to the Head of House and/or an Assistant Head Teacher to establish an appropriate course of action. The school will always try to work in a systematic and timely manner in terms of any reported incidents.
Tootoot is a safe, secure and diverse web-based safeguarding tool, which allows young people of all age ranges to report incidents of bullying, problems they could be having at the school or any issues that may be concerning them in an anonymous, confidential and discrete manner. These individual cases are monitored, managed and resolved by staff/mentors within the school.
Tootoot reduces the friction and stigma attached to the reporting of such incidents, and ultimately provides us with the tools required to track, monitor and resolve cases efficiently and significantly reduce bullying, abuse, racism, stress, anxiety, and mental health issues.
Tootoot not only encourages our young people to report issues and concerns, it also encourages them to work together and strengthen communication links between them and school staff by removing barriers.
Your child will be given a username and password, which allows them to log in and use tootoot. They are then able to quickly report issues and concerns directly to designated safeguarding staff. We have our own sub-domain where only staff and students from Rayner Stephens High School will be able to communicate with one another. All students are anonymous at the point of reporting but identities can be uncovered by the school’s tootoot administrator ONLY if there is a genuine concern about their physical or emotional wellbeing.
Students can access tootoot on any web-enable device (computers; laptops; tablets or mobiles) by following these 4 simple steps:
Step 1: Type into their web browser.
Step 2: Click the ‘Login’ button in the top right of the screen
Step 3: Start typing ‘[Name of School]’ and select it from the box
Step 4: Enter their username and password, and log their concern with us
For more information visit or contact Mrs Knowles who oversees Tootoot on
What is bullying?
Whilst there is no legal definition of bullying, the DFE recognises that bullying behaviour usually involves three key aspects :
• The victim is targeted by an individual or group on a repeated basis
• There is intention to harm or humiliate either physically or emotionally (and is often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation)
• It is often aimed at a certain groups for example because of race, religion or sexual orientation.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance defines bullying as:
“The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.”
Rayner Stephens High School will use the above definitions to identify cases of bullying and to also be clear when the incidents are one off events.
Bullying can occur at the school, in lessons, at lunch time, at home, on the journey to and from school, online and or in the community. Rayner Stephens High School do not tolerate or accept bullying anywhere and will endeavor to work with students, parents and community members to address all instances of bullying.
Anti-Bullying Pathways
RSHS Bullying Pathway - Students & Parents
Anti-Bullying Websites The Anti-bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals working together to stop bullying and create safe environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. - is all about young people helping and supporting each other online.